
Showing posts from August, 2022

Medellín was chosen as the best emerging destination in South America

Medellín was chosen as the best emerging destination in South America : The city of eternal spring shone at the World Travel Awards.

Colin Noble-Alice's Restaurant from Pirates of the Airwaves

Colin Noble-Alice's Restaurant : In episode 6 Mark Wakely chats to Colin Noble, presenter from London rock radio station Alice's Restaurant. He tells us how he went from rock fan and listener to presenter on the station.

Freedom Festival Medellín August 2022

All videos now online from Drop TV on Facebook, it's a pity that YouTube wasn't used or Twitch which was announced but not used. FB video quality is not the best, anyway the URL from the 3 night festival is here  I thought Niño Arbol was the best but we only got 35 mins of their set

Each Freedom2022 artist contributes a track, all the diversity of La Jungla in techno on demand

Each Freedom2022 artist contributes a track, all the diversity of La Jungla in techno on demand : By fiiiiiiin, we are about to reach day 0 for the International Festival of Electronic Music Underground of Medellín Freedom In Da Jungle edition 2022! And to enter the thickness of the jungle we bring you a post where each artist contributes a track, or better, they allow us to know the multiplicity and diversity of the frequencies and known resonances: it is to trace the history of dance music digging to the roots of the mother genres, but at the same time, it is [...]

Radio London Big L Final Hour August 14th 1967


Ivor Herdson- RFL and Skyline Radio from Pirates of the Airwaves

Ivor Herdson- RFL and Skyline Radio : In this episode Mark Wakely chats with Ivor Herdson (Mark Ashton) from RFL 92FM, County Radio and Skyline Radio about how he got involved in pirate radio in the first place and how a surprise knock on the door dragged him back to full time radio.